The valuation report is the only qualified way to sustainably determine the value of an undeveloped or developed property on a fixed valuation date. There are two forms of expert opinions, which are subject to strict rules. Our external network partners support you completely impartially and neutrally.
Data protection is a complex field. Decision-makers are often confused by the numerous data protection regulations. Significant remedial action can be taken with intensive data protection consulting. Our partners will answer your questions about topics such as GDPR and the protection of your data.
We support you fiscally and financially-conceptually in the management of your real estate. If you would also like a strong partner for day-to-day on-site management and support, we can help you find one.
Anyone who applies for long-term care insurance benefits will be offered an appointment for a long-term care consultation by the long-term care insurance fund itself, which should take place within two weeks of the application being submitted. The long-term care insurance funds appoint a permanent contact person for on-site long-term care counseling.
We accompany you as an independent, discreet and competent partner in all tax and economic issues. Our goal is to represent your interests as an entrepreneur or private individual in the best possible way in order to promote and maintain your economic success.