Whether you are just starting out with your business or are at a point where you need a little extra cash to implement various processes. Grants can help you with the financing of your ideas.
Whether you want to start a new business, expand or launch a special project - in everything, the focus is on one important question: How can I realize and finance my idea? Raising capital is a sticking point and has become increasingly difficult due to the generally increased reluctance of banks. Extended formal requirements (§18 KWG) are also playing an increasingly important role. Potential investors want to be presented with sound figures and a flawless concept.
Many companies still shy away from dealing with the topic of ratings - whether for reasons of cost, ignorance, lack of time, or the false assumption that ratings do not affect you and that you do not have the prerequisite for credit decisions with the legal update of the Basel Capital Guideline.
Optimal tax advice also includes sensible financing advice. Forward-looking liquidity planning lets you look to the future without worry and lets you make financially prudent decisions for your business. We stand by your side and support you in the decision-making process. We would also be happy to accompany you to bank meetings and advise you independently, objectively and directly on site.