Brief overview
At the word “audit,” all the warning signs light up for many business owners. This can cost a lot of money. Auditors who reject the accounts or additional estimates that come your way. Many are horrified at the very thought. Therefore, we help you to prevent this issue and in case of an actual audit, to deal with it properly. Collaboration and transparency are the key words here. Procedural documentation is of high importance and is usually the first thing required. At the same time, this is almost impossible to create – without experience and know-how.
But this is also where we come in. We support you with the creation of an individual procedural documentation of your company. Here, the organization of your analog and digital accounting is written down in small steps. Everything concerning questions about backups, IT security concepts, etc. is summarized here.
According to the GoBD decree, you should always have access to up-to-date procedural documentation. Considering that advance warning periods before company audits are only two weeks, this is also necessary.
Selection of our services
Permanent documentation of accounting processes, especially in the case of
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